Fred Mayer Photographer

Fred Mayer. Photographer, Photojournalist, Publicist, Author, Artist-of-the-Archive. Fred Mayer: is a storyteller with a camera. One manshow Fred Mayer is well known for his exellent photography- produced in his absolute professional manner. editorial- all over the world.
Fred Mayer was born in 1933 in Lucerne, Switzerland he has both the Swiss and German nationality. He attended school, and had a three year apprenticeship with the master photographer Otto Pfeifer in Lucerne.

1950 Moves to Zurich where he works as a photographer for more than six years for international press agencies like – ATP, DPA, AFP and UPI producing daily news and reportages. 1956 Marriage with the Keystone photographer Ilse Günther. 1956 Independent photographer for Swiss press publications such as -Neue Zürcher Zeitung-, -Sie und Er-, –Schweizer Illustrierte- and -Die Woche-. 1957 Birth of daughter Sibyll who is now editor in chief of a food and interior decoration magazine.

1965 First assignment from Magnum Photos in Paris, for Paris Match, The Observer about President Sukarno of Indonesia. After this assignment, he was with Magnum for over 40 years as well as continuing press work for most important magazines and producing his own projects at the same time. Fred Mayer works out of Zurich in Switzerland.
1971-1974 Fred Mayer was the creator, art director. photographer and cordinator for the Marlboro Formula 1 Guide and the Moto Grand Prix Guide series.

1975 Continues to work on books and for the international press and magazines. Fred Mayer and his wife, published more than 30 books: Horseracing around the World: Chakkar- Polo around the World, text by H.H. The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburg, Rao Rajah Hanut Singh, The Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Juan Carlos Harriott Jr, Baron Elie de Rotschild, today the book is called the „Bible of Polo“. God lived here; The Holy Land, Jordan River, Japanese theater, Chinese opera, the leather puppet shadow play, London, Paris, Cognac Country, Scotland, England and Wales, Spain, Espana Cierta, The Vatican, Wrestling in Switzerland, Spain, Bail, Mississippi, The USA. sixth Fleet, The Russian Orthodox Church, Jerusalem in time and eternity, Siberia, The forgotten people in Siberia.

2006 Fred Mayer receives the Lifetime Award and Honorary Membership from the members of the Swiss Professional Photographers Association.

Selection of Published Books

Spanien – Mondo, Lausanne 1970
Polo around  the world – City Druck, Zürich 1971
Ein Elefant Sahib – Reich / Mac Grow Hill, 1972
Edle Pferde grosse Rennen – Orell Füssli, Zürich 1972
Japanisches Theater – U.Bär, Zürich 1974
Paris – Atlantis Verlag, Zürich 1975
Kühne Männer schnelle Wagen – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1975
Marlboro Grand Prix Guide – Kreuzer Verlag, Zürich 1972/76
London – Atlantis Verlag, Zürich 1975
Bali – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1975
Espania Liberta – Prensa, Madrid 1977
Loire Schlösser – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1977
Heiliges Land – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1979
Vatikan – Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich 1979
Asiatische Schattenspiele – U. Bär Verlag, Zürich 1979
Mississippi – Atlantis Verlag, Zürich 1981
Die Orthodoxe Kirche in Russland – Orell Füssli, Zürich 1982
Chinesische Oper – U.Bär Verlag, Zürich 1982
England Wels – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1982
Cognac Country – Quiller Press 1983
Spanien – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1983
Sibirien – Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich 1983
Schottland – Silva Verlag, Zürich 1984
Hier hat Gott gelebt – U. Bär Verlag, Zürich 1984
Sechste Flotte – U. Bär Verlag, Zürich 1987
Der Jordan – Edit. Paoline, Mailand 1988
Jerusalem in Time and Eternity – Seat, Mailand 1988
Schwingen – Offizin Verlag, Zürich 1989
Sibirien der wilde Osten – Scalo Verlag, Zürich 1992
Siddhartha – Blurb, 2011
How we made Siddhartha – Blurb, 2011

Fred Mayer and Magnum